About Me

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Joy Serves G*d in Joy as a passionate performing percussionist, poet, publisher, photographer, publicist, sound healer, spiritual guide, artist, gardener and Gemini. "Ivdu Et Hashem B'Simcha" -Psalm 100:2 ....... Joy Krauthammer, active in the Jewish Renewal, Feminist, and neo-Chasidic worlds for over three decades, kabbalistically leads Jewish women's life-cycle rituals. ... Workshops, and Bands are available for all Shuls, Sisterhoods, Rosh Chodeshes, Retreats, Concerts, Conferences & Festivals. ... My kavanah/intention is that my creative expressive gifts are inspirational, uplifting and joyous. In gratitude, I love doing mitzvot/good deeds, and connecting people in joy. In the zechut/merit of Reb Shlomo Carlebach, zt'l, I mamash love to help make our universe a smaller world, one REVEALING more spiritual consciousness, connection, compassion, and chesed/lovingkindness; to make visible the Face of the Divine... VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE and enjoy all offerings.... For BOOKINGS write: joyofwisdom1 at gmail.com, leave a COMMENT below, or call me. ... "Don't Postpone Joy" bear photo montage by Joy. Click to enlarge. BlesSings, Joy


ספירת העומר

Kabbalistic Sephirat HaOmer - day 2

As a friend was preparing hours ago to go into major surgery scheduled for this morning, she expressed on FB the feeling of being "alone". I know what that feels like in times of great difficulty even with friends visible.  With empathy and Chesed, I wrote to all the people in our spiritual community. There are many in our shul's Bikkur Cholim / visiting the sick group that this friend has led for years. I asked that our 'Comfort Group' contact Linda NOW before the surgery to send their love, hugs, and prayers for healing. Of course many have, and more have now.  One friend has referred to this gathering as a Circle of Angels. I like this. The Boundary of Gevurah we've created, is a circle to embrace our friend in the middle, along with Shechina.

All photos/materials in sites by Joy Krauthammer are under copyright protection by © Joy Krauthammer.

Permission by Joy Krauthammer, needed to repost/copy/reprint/use. Request in Comments, FB, or write/call personally. 

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