About Me

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Joy Serves G*d in Joy as a passionate performing percussionist, poet, publisher, photographer, publicist, sound healer, spiritual guide, artist, gardener and Gemini. "Ivdu Et Hashem B'Simcha" -Psalm 100:2 ....... Joy Krauthammer, active in the Jewish Renewal, Feminist, and neo-Chasidic worlds for over three decades, kabbalistically leads Jewish women's life-cycle rituals. ... Workshops, and Bands are available for all Shuls, Sisterhoods, Rosh Chodeshes, Retreats, Concerts, Conferences & Festivals. ... My kavanah/intention is that my creative expressive gifts are inspirational, uplifting and joyous. In gratitude, I love doing mitzvot/good deeds, and connecting people in joy. In the zechut/merit of Reb Shlomo Carlebach, zt'l, I mamash love to help make our universe a smaller world, one REVEALING more spiritual consciousness, connection, compassion, and chesed/lovingkindness; to make visible the Face of the Divine... VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE and enjoy all offerings.... For BOOKINGS write: joyofwisdom1 at gmail.com, leave a COMMENT below, or call me. ... "Don't Postpone Joy" bear photo montage by Joy. Click to enlarge. BlesSings, Joy



PSALMS OF MY SOUL in words and art  by © Joy Krauthammer 
ספירת העומר

Kabbalistic Sephirat HaOmer day 43, 6 weeks, and 1 day of the Omer ~ Chesed sh b'Malchut

Loving-Kindness Fully Flows

Chesed/Giving and Receiving of self flowing, manifesting into Allness and Aliveness, Presence.
For HaShem ~ being fully engaged in life, in joy, meeting in Malchut, Makom/place of Light.

How this day, my birthday, has been with giving and receiving in Chesed/Lovingkindness.
In joy, I love to manifest and have the sounds, loving & caring, resonate in our worlds where G*d is present and meets us.

G*D is heart. 
The flow begins from Keter through G*d’s wisdom and understanding to us ~ 
created in G*d’s image / b’Tzelem Elokim. 

The beginning of the last Counting of the Omer week, week 7.
And then we reach Shavuot on the 50th day!

Lovingkindness Flows Fully Through Tree of Life
digital over photo by © Joy Krauthammer 2016

May the refinement work of cosmic cleansing that I do on myself during the 49 days of Kabbalistically Counting the Sephirat HaOmer help me to mamash/truly be who I am, and need to become. I desire to delete klipot/husks (negative influences) and again ready myself for Shavuot by strengthening, elevating and perfecting my midot/character traits.  

Because we are created in the Image of G*d / B'Tzelem Elokin, we flow with Tree of Life lower 7 Sephirotic human behavior characteristics that include: Chesed/loving-kindness, love, abunDance. Gevurah/strength, restraint, boundaries, limits, awe, judgment, severity, discipline. Tiferet/beauty, compassion, harmony, balance, heart, love.  Netzach/endurance, perseverance, ambition, drive, victory. Hod/humility, splendor, gratitude. Yesod/foundation, bonding, relationship, creativity, fertility, lineage, ancestors, descendents, and Malchut/sovereignty, leadership and Shechinah/Indwelling Feminine Presence.

All photos/materials in sites by Joy Krauthammer are under copyright by © Joy Krauthammer
Permission by Joy Krauthammer, needed to copy/reprint/use.  
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ספירת העומר

Kabbalistic Sephirat HaOmer day 43, 6 weeks, and 1 day of the Omer
Chesed sh b'Malchut
Anonymous Chesed / Loving-Kindness

     Mask Heart © Joy Krauthammer

In Chesed sh b'Malchut / kindness within fullness, we are able to give anonymously from the deep Sephirotic well.   Fullness in Malchut allows our soul's expansive unique expression of self.

Flowing through to Malchut/authority and expressive independence of spirit are 6 channeled Sephirot/character traits, that as humans, we embody in the Light of G*d.

Tree of Life Sephirotic behavior characteristics include: Chesed/loving-kindness, love, abunDance. Gevurah/strength, restraint, boundaries, limits, awe, judgment, severity, discipline. Tiferet/beauty, compassion, harmony, balance, heart, love.  Netzach/endurance, perseverance, ambition, drive, victory. Hod/humility, splendor, gratitude. Yesod/foundation, bonding, relationship, creativity, fertility, lineage, ancestors, descendents.  Malchut/sovereignty, leadership in a state of being, rather than behavior, and Shechinah/Indwelling Feminine Presence.

Day 43 = 4+3 = 7 = G*d's Holiest #
                     ~ ~ ~

Kabbalistic Sephirat HaOmer day 43 
Chesed sh b'Malchut

In today's energy of Loving Kindness within Authoritarian presence

It was a blesSing today to be able to serve in Chesed as friend to a beloved older friend. 
This friend never asks me for assistance, although I offer when I think it is needed, and I am turned down due to the friend's independence. 

Today while my friend had to deal with authorities who had been ignoring her pleas for certain needs to be met, she asked me to support her with my presence, and I did. I was able to serve as witness, and as guide. It was loving of my friend to trust me and extend herself in my partial care for a short time. 
All I was and am, was present for my friend.

This morning another friend who is not Counting the Omer, called to talk and cry, and showed gratitude for my enduring friendship.  Yes, I have been a friend, and no more than she has been a friend to me, extending her Chesed/Loving-Kindness in all that she is, in this world. In friendship, I examine my giving to make sure it is in the friend's best interest. Friend was right in the day's energy, and only at the end of our tearful conversation, did I reveal the Omer day we are in, Chesed sh b'Malchut.

Today I called another friend because every day we speak to each other to be supportive to each other in Chesed/love and kindness. We are blesSings to each other. All the energies of the Sephirot flow into Malchut to have us be the best that we can be in our connection to self, each other and to Hashem.

Yes, in this Chesed sh b'Malchut energy, I have been also befriending several others through phone, e-mail, snail mail, and in person. This is my character, yet on today, I acknowledge the reality of my being, accept where in the world my energy originates from, and I am grateful for the opportunities presented to me to "Ivdu Et Hashem B'Simcha" / 'Serve G*d With Joy.

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I feel badly when I know that my presence and joy would be a gift to friends in need but they are a physical distance from me, but I don't get to travel all the miles that I would want. I feel badly when I know that some friends are in so much pain, that they can't allow others in. I do honor and respect that privacy. I am at a loss when a 'deaf' friend can't hear my words on the phone, even when I yell loudly (and my throat suffers). I feel sad that I can't attend every funeral and memorial. I am sad when I can't give physical hugs.

I do ask the Holy Compassionate One to embrace each and every one. And I am grateful.

I must watch that my loving-kindness is warm, healthy and considerate in a caring way, and helps to enhance the other's sovereignty, and that my leadership does not overwhelm another when trying to do the best for another in need. I must see their strengths and have them access them.

May the refinement work of cosmic cleansing that I do on myself during the 49 days of Kabbalistically Counting the Sephirat HaOmer help me to mamash/truly be who I am, and need to become. I desire to delete klipot/husks (negative influences) and again ready myself for Shavuot by strengthening, elevating and perfecting my midot/character traits.  
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I find the Sephirah of Malchut more complex than others to understand, thus I offer teachings for you and me from A Lubavitch rabbi I have learned from over the decades. Rabbi Simon Jacobson wrote the best Omer book published 1996.
OMER MEDITATION with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Meaningful Life Center
Reprinted with prior years' permission from Rabbi Jacobson. I am grateful.

Week Seven - Malchut

 Sovereignty - the last of the seven attributes - is different than the previous six. It is a state of being rather than an activity.

 Leadership is a passive expression of human dignity which has nothing of its own except that which it receives from the other six emotions.

 On the other hand, malchut manifests and actualizes the character and majesty of the human spirit. It is the very fiber of what makes us human. When love, discipline, compassion, endurance and humility are properly channeled into the psyche through bonding - the result is malchut. Bonding nurtures us and allows our sovereignty to surface and flourish.


Malchut is a sense of belonging. Knowing that you matter and that you make a difference. That you have the ability to be a proficient leader in your own right. It gives you independence and confidence. A feeling of certainty and authority. When a mother lovingly cradles her child in her hands and the child's eyes meet the mother's affectionate eyes, the child receives the message that I am wanted and needed in this world. I have a comfortable place where I will always be loved. I have nothing to fear. I feel like a king in my heart. This is malchut, kingship.

All photos/materials in sites by Joy Krauthammer are under copyright by © Joy Krauthammer
Permission by Joy Krauthammer, needed to copy/reprint/use.  
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Psalms of My Soul
ספירת העומר

Serve Shechinah ~ Gevurah sh b'Malchut
In Awe of All I Receive
Sephirat HaOmer day 44, 6 weeks and 2 days of the Omer

Radiant Strength of Shechinah

From where does my strength come

That I "Serve G*d With Joy"? - Psalm 100:2

In my garden
each morning
for my prayers 
I face East toward Jerusalem. 

I feel the Indwelling Presence, 
the Strength 
of the Holy One 
infuse me with the Glory of Gifts.

In the darkness, 
waiting for sun to rise, 
my heart expands 
in joy receiving arrival 
of colors aligned 
amongst clouds 
and mountains 
and seen through trees, 
of the rising sun. 

The swift hummingbird sits 
quietly observing 
atop the fig tree, 
and nearby, 
Ms. Mockingbird sings 
also on an uppermost branch, 
and radiance 
appears in our world 
with a starburst 
of transcendent brilliance. 

I am already full,  
full as Malchut.

 -  Joy Krauthammer

more of G*d's Glory:

© Joy Krauthammer 
Ms. Mockingbird  and Ms. Hummingbird
Know their limitations and boundaries, 
and daily serve as sentries atop their branches guarding the neighborhood.
In Gevurah, do I know my place?
I do lead the local Neighborhood Watch guarding the neighborhood
and serve as a CERT volunteer / Community Emergency Response Team.
I know Whom I serve!
"Ivdu Et Hashem B'Simcha."

Radiant Strength of Shechinah
Sun Star
seen in my garden
© Joy Krauthammer

Radiant Strength of Shechinah
Sun Star
seen in my garden
© Joy Krauthammer

Radiant Strength of Shechinah
Sun Star
seen in my garden
© Joy Krauthammer

Radiant Strength of Shechinah
Sun Star
seen in my garden
© Joy Krauthammer

Radiant Strength of Shechinah
Sun Star
seen in my garden
& tiny hummingbird on top fig tree branch
© Joy Krauthammer

Radiant Strength of Shechinah
Sun Star
© Joy Krauthammer

Radiant Strength of Shechinah
Sun Star
seen in my garden
"Serve G*d With Joy" - Psalm 100:2
© Joy Krauthammer  5.28.2014

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Psalms of My Soul

Tiferet sh b'Malchut
Sephirat HaOmer day 45   ספירת העומר
6 Weeks and 3 Days of the Omer


- Joy Krauthammer

After nominating myself, I won the free hotel room night at Joie de' Vivre, but did not go to the S.F. JOYS celebration. 

August 26, 2007    Nominating JOY    Nomination to Joie de’ Vivre hotel: ksanchez@jdvhospitality.com

Clearly I nominate myself, JOY, for Spirit of Joy award.     
How do I create JOY?

This is what I am. JOY. It is what I do. It is how I transcend and transform.
It is how I "make lemon aide out of lemons." It is what I offer others to be, not just for myself.

As percussionist, it is how I perform or how I am played.  I have inscribed on my instruments, "CREATE JOY".
People "light up" they tell me when they are in my presence as I perform.
I reflect the joy in others that I see and feel, especially as I play, and then others feel more joy. Joy circulates

My business cards have read, Gifts of JOY, Angels of JOY, Serve G*d With Joy.
When I visit the elderly and the infirm, to do Bikkur Cholim, I bring JOY.  I may first walk on the grass barefoot under a tree to bring the joy energy of the tree with me, along with flowers from my garden.

Tonight I went to a class where I had never been, and I brought my garden's fresh figs filled with joy to the hosts.
Last night I went to a friend's birthday party and there were guests that I did not know, who looked like they did not know anyone but the guest of honor.  I brought over my joy to them, the stranger, instead of sitting with my own friends, so that the stranger, too, could feel joy and inclusion.  With intention, I introduced people to each other.
I do this wherever I am, inclusively including so others don’t feel left out, or alone. Years later I may hear gratitude.
This sensitivity and caring, my compassion, is my innate nature in creating joy.

My Hebrew name is Gila (joy of happiness) Rena (joy of song) Tzohara (top light-filled window in Noah’s ark).
This translates to "double Joy and Light."
When I was named in Hebrew in a ceremony, my teacher Reb Shlomo Carlebach, z’l, said, that I had a million reasons to cry but you only saw my joy. I was Shlomo’s “holy sister” and “holy drummer” as he called me.

When my husband, of blessed memory, died last year after 18 years of paralyzing cancer– when he was being put into the ground—interred in the grave, I called out in joy, "Free, he's free at last."   I expressed the joy of my husband not suffering any longer.
“Joy breaks through all barriers.” The Baal Shem Tov

Whether it is a funeral, or performing to bring 150 women to praise and dance in a temple, or playing to remember my teachers of blessed memory, or my serving as Sound Healer as a volunteer where ever I go, it is the joy of the giving and of the sharing and in having people receive the vibrational sounds of the gongs, bells and crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, which in joy, I bought in Tibet.

I celebrate the joy of going out in the morning at dawn with the first colorful rays of the sunrise, to find the fallen fruits from the vine, and to sing and dance my prayers. I have the joy of finding a new unfurling fern, seeing a twinkle on a sun-lit palm frond, and delivering fruits daily to those who I know could enjoy the joy of G*d’s succulent creations.
                                                      More JOY
It is the joy I have making another happy.
It is the joy I have seeing another succeed in whatever is good for them. It is feeling the empathetic joy, when another has accomplished and is living a right life and feels happiness.
It is the joy of seeing the seed planted and watching it grow.  It is the joy of the first flowers that I saw today.
It is saying Shehecheyanu in experiencing each new joyous moment, and having been sustained to reach this time.
It is the joy of knowing that there is a club for people filled with joy. And a hotel named Joie de' Vivre

Joy Krauthammer
"Serve G*d in Joy"         

May the refinement work of cosmic cleansing that I do on myself during the 49 days of Kabbalistically Counting the Sephirat HaOmer help me to mamash/truly be who I am, and need to become. I desire to delete klipot/husks (negative influences) and again ready myself for Shavuot by strengthening, elevating and perfecting my midot/character traits.  

All photos/materials in sites by Joy Krauthammer are under copyright by © Joy Krauthammer
Permission by Joy Krauthammer, needed to copy/reprint/use.
